Clients do not always reveal their true feelings and dynamics just in words alone. What they can show you in visual ways or physical demonstrations or metaphoric imagery can be more memorable, valid, and useful than hundreds of words could. This presentation will describe the clever and creative ways to reveal emotional distance and work with it to heal that undesired distance. This talk will also demonstrate the use of props and visual aids to make visible those invisible forces that impact and influence our clients and their families. Once those invisible factors become tangible and visible to work with effective therapy can happen. We will also have many examples of metaphoric imagery techniques to elicit hidden emotions and dynamics that seemingly innocent images can reveal. Like play therapy for adults, these indirect techniques can be a safer way to explore difficult topics. Even a consideration of emotional ages as perceived by a family can shed more light on difficult dynamics. These approaches have served me well during my 43 years of clinical practice.
You will learn experiential exercises that are easily used in therapy sessions.
You will learn how to make good use of emotional distance and empty chairs.
You will learn metaphoric imagery techniques as assessment and treatment tools.
You will learn how to use props effectively for creating change within relationships.