Under the auspices of the Division of Behavioral Health (DBH), DMH serves as the state lead for suicide prevention and crisis intervention services. DMH oversees and implements several evidence-based suicide prevention programs and initiatives, including the Missouri Suicide Prevention Network, an independent, non-partisan group of individuals and organizations that lead and coordinate statewide suicide prevention efforts. DMH is also leading statewide efforts to implement and enhance behavioral health crisis services that align with national best practices to ensure help is available for anyone, anywhere, and at any time. To achieve a truly integrated and comprehensive crisis system that is equipped to meet the needs of individuals in crisis, DMH and stakeholders are prioritizing the coordination of these three crisis components: 988 (Someone to talk to), ACI Mobile Crisis Response (Someone to respond), and Behavioral Health Crisis Centers (Somewhere to go).
For more information, please visit: https://dmh.mo.gov/behavioral-health/suicide/prevention