The Real Voices Real Choices Conference, held in August at Tan-Tar-A Resort and Conference Center, and will inform, educate and empower individuals and youth who receive services through the vast array of providers supported by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.  The conference is planned by a committee of volunteers who receive treatment services for substance abuse and addiction, developmental disabilities and mental illness.

Objectives of the conference include:

  • Providing a broad range of mental health related topics
  • Promoting individuals’ choices when it comes to services and opportunities
  • Training in self-advocacy and personal recovery skills
  • Increasing awareness of mental health services, developmental disability and addiction support services
  • Connecting individuals and youth and families to tools and supports in the community

Intended audience are Individuals or youth living with or in recovery from mental illness or substance use disorder and individuals with developmental disabilities. We also encourage family members and professionals to attend the Real Voices Real Choices Conference.


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