Jessica Craig is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Human Service Specialist with over 15 years of experience providing individualized recovery services using staged matched interventions, evidence-based techniques for rehabilitation, and clinical case management. She has worked in office-based Outpatient, Community CPRC & ACT, Inpatient Detox & Residential, and Crisis Response settings working with folks’ chemical dependency, mental illness, and co-occurring disorders. Currently, Ms. Craig is the Team Leader for Team Edith Assertive Community Treatment at St Patrick Center in downtown St Louis, MO. Before this position, Ms. Craig was a member of the initial team developing St Patrick Center’s Hospital to Housing Initiatives, focusing on providing secure housing to address healthcare concerns. Over the almost five years at St Patrick Center, Ms. Craig has honed her understanding and skills to navigate the intersection of behavioral health concerns and homelessness.
A Conversation of Best Practices for Service Delivery in the Unhoused Community