2024 DMH Awards

Paradise Ballroom ABC


The Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health, is recognizing three Outstanding Performers for Housing, Supported Employment, and Recovery Support Services.  These awards go to agencies that exemplify the DMH Mission of serving, empowering, and supporting Missourians to live their best lives.

Landmark Recovery Center prioritizes reaching people where they are at and providing support to build their recovery capital for long term recovery success. They distribute NARCAN; visit local shelters; provide transportation; offer numerous support groups and individualized peer coaching services; and offer various pro-social activities such as art classes, sporting tournaments, float trips and barbecues.  Many of the services provided are designed to provide support to the entire family.


Landmark Recovery Center has been successful in creating numerous partnerships to better serve and unite the local recovery community. The partnerships include Probation & Parole Officers using their RCC space to connect clients to their services; the local Cole County Jail Pretrial Services utilizing staff for release resources and connections to treatment; collaboration with local treatment providers; a strong partnership with National Alliance for Mental Illness; weekly attendance at local municipal court; attending resource fairs at local prisons; and creating a Recovery Week with the local Treatment Court team. Additionally, Landmark has contracts in place to provide peer services for the Callaway County Drug Treatment Court and family services for the Callaway Family Court.  Landmark has founded the Capital City Recovery Coalition where community partners meet every other month to discuss community issues and is working towards becoming an official chapter of the Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers.

This year’s Outstanding Performer for Supported Employment Award goes to Burrell Behavioral Health – Springfield.

Burrell Springfield has been an Individual Placement and Support provider for over six years. They have consistently scored in the highest range of fidelity, which is the exemplary range.  They have strong leadership support that has instilled a culture of employment throughout the agency.  The leadership and guidance provided by the IPS supervisor has been highly praised.

Their team was one of the first to qualify for an abbreviated fidelity review process, which is reserved for only the highest performing teams with lower turnover.  At their last review, the program was highlighted for their integration and collaboration with the treatment team, strong documentation, and creative strategies for supporting people with the career goals.  Their annual employment rates have consistently been higher than state and national averages.

Their employment program really embodies the spirit of “Employment is Recovery.”

2023 DMH Awards

Paradise Ballroom ABC


The Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health, is recognizing three Outstanding Performers for Housing, Supported Employment, and Recovery Support Services.  These awards go to agencies that exemplify the DMH Mission of serving, empowering, and supporting Missourians to live their best lives.

2023 Outstanding Performer Recovery Support Services

ARCA-Recovery House

The Assisted Recovery Centers of America Recovery House began in 2011 and has 11 total properties. Recovery House continues to serve those in need in the St. Louis area. This program focuses on providing a safe peer supported living environment for those recovering from substance use disorders. Recovery House is operated by Jordan Hampton. Jordan and all those involved in Recovery House have a passion for recovery and assist each individual with the skills they need to continue on their path to recovery. Recovery House strives to be a great example of what dedication to recovery can mean to the individuals served and the community. We are very appreciative of the consistent exemplary efforts Jordan Hampton and Recovery House have set for putting individuals served first.

Independence Center

Independence Center has been a housing creator and innovator for years. Their problem-solving creativity in housing design has addressed the needs of many Missourians living with disabilities. Independence Center’s housing programs include: Residential Care Facilities, Intensive Residential Treatment Settings, Clustered Apartments, and Permanent Supportive Housing. There are 109 units of housing within these settings. Independence Center has been awarded a new Low-Income Housing Tax Credit property, which will target persons over 55 years old and include occupational therapy and other services on-site to support aging in place.

Independence Center is a model housing advocate, offering a wide array of housing options that support housing choice for Missourians with disabilities. They consistently demonstrate their commitment to their mission to, “provide all the services and resources a person with a serious and persistent mental illness needs, to manage their symptoms, find belonging and purpose, and gain the independence to live a healthy, quality life.”


This year’s Outstanding Performer for Supported Employment Award goes to BJC Farmington.

BJC Farmington exemplifies how an Individual Placement and Support (IPS) employment program can be successfully implemented in a rural community. BJC Farmington has been an IPS provider for nearly ten years. Their 2022 successful employment rate was higher than state and national averages and their most recent fidelity review scored in the highest range of fidelity, which is the exemplary range.

While their outcomes are impressive, where BJC Farmington really shines is their team’s dedication and commitment to supported employment. The IPS supervisor has been part of IPS in Missouri since its inception. One Employment Specialists has been part of the program for six years and the other for ten years. Their certified benefits planner for has been with the program for six years. The team has been described by their supervisor as “three of the most dedicated individuals I have ever had the pleasure to work with. They focus on client strengths, and, to a person, never consider the barriers. I’m just lucky to experience their passion.”

Their employment program really embodies the spirit of “Employment is Recovery.” We are happy to recognize Jenise Woolf, IPS supervisor, Rob Grief, Employment Specialist, Brandi Shibley, Employment Specialists, and Sherrie Barton, Benefits Specialist as this year’s recipients of this award.


The Division of Behavioral Health 2016 Outstanding Performer for Recovery Support Services is Healing House.

Healing House was started in 2003 when Bobbi Jo Reed saw there were hundreds of women going through treatment for a substance use disorder every year in the Kansas City metro area who did not have a safe place to live after completing their first phase of treatment. Returning to an unsafe, unhealthy, and non-supportive environment would make their recovery journey extremely difficult.
As part of her personal faith-based recovery journey, it became her goal to provide faith-centered, safe and stable homes as well as purposeful guidance to these women. Throughout the years, Healing House has expanded its services to men, children, and entire families. Healing House serves over 300 individuals per year providing homes for 152 family members and up to 25 children at any given time.
Healing House is committed to long term recovery relationships, empowering and equipping people to have purposeful lives, rebuilding families, community, and restoring hope. In a once crime riddled community, Healing House has remodeled 13 houses converting them into beautiful homes. In doing so, the community is being transformed into a safe place for all to live and flourish.

The Division of Behavioral Health 2016 Outstanding Performer for Housing Development is Ozark Center.

“Ozark Center has for many years actively pursued supportive housing solutions in the Joplin community. Starting in 1991, Ozark Center has constructed numerous housing facilities designed to serve a variety of mental health and demographic needs, including two residential care facilities; three apartment complexes funded by the HUD 811 program that provide supportive housing to persons with mental illness; and two apartment projects for youth in transition from foster care and state custody to independent living.
Ozark Center staff have also obtained numerous rental assistance vouchers for homeless and disabled consumers in need of housing help from the Department of Mental Health and from Economic Security Corporation in Joplin. The agency has long been an active participant in the Joplin Jasper/Newton County Homeless Coalition and has served that group in various leadership roles. The Department of Mental Health has been proud to partner with Ozark Center both through technical assistance and through direct financial contribution in its efforts to address the housing needs of those most vulnerable in Joplin.”