Nautical Wheeler


Hicks, Dawn, MA, BCBA


This presentation will address best practices regarding sexuality when working with ID/DD youth. We will discuss agency and practitioner responsibilities and how to navigate resources for sexuality and ID or ASD. Abuses committed in the name of ABA will be reviewed along with the direction ABA is going and how to remain ethical when practicing. We will determine who dictates acceptable behavior and how that may vary by person, setting and context. Lastly, we will describe behavioral techniques to reduce problem behavior and increase desired behaviors.


Attendees will be able to identify which person/level/organization to contact when seeking specialized services
Attendees will be able to list a minimum of three different ways ABA can be abusive
Attendees will be able to list a minimum of three examples of ethical ABA
Attendees will be able to describe a minimum of three ways to reduce problem behavior and/or increase desired behavior

Benson Presentation