Alex Barajas‐Muñoz has a PhD in Counseling Psychology, a master’s degree in Counseling and Guidance, and a master’s degree in Neurosciences. Dr. Barajas is currently employed as a staff psychologist at the University of Kansas (KU) Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and serves as adjunct professor at the Counseling Psychology doctoral program at UMKC. His clinical interests include multicultural issues, trauma, gender identity, psychological assessment, and group counseling. Dr. Barajas’ theoretical interests include interpersonal and mindfulness-based approaches. He also worked for over ten years as a Research Associate, Evaluator and Trainer with Mid‐America Addiction Technology Transfer Center at UMKC. His areas of expertise include evaluation and research (development of evaluation instruments, data collection, data analysis and technical report writing); counseling; training, editing and translating (English/Spanish) professional literature in the areas of psychology, neuroscience and substance use disorders; psychotherapeutic medications; and counseling special populations (Hispanic, LGBT).


Suicide Prevention Training