Schuffman, Dorn, MA

Served in a variety of roles in the Department of Mental Health (DMH) including Director of Community Mental Health Services, Director of the Division of Comprehensive Psychiatric Services, and Director of the DMH before taking early retirement. Subsequently served as a consultant to the DMH with responsibility for coordinating the Primary/Behavioral Health Integration, and the CMHC Healthcare Home Initiatives.  Currently responsible for coordinating the CCBHC PPS Demonstration Program Initiative for DMH and the Mo HealthNet Division.

What Consumers & Families Need to Know About CCBHCs


Increasing Safety Through Self-Management In a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital: A Case Study


Blake Schneider, MSW, LCSW

Kaelee Newton, MS

Dakota Dancy, BA

Assaults, self-injury, and hostile relationships are prevalent within inpatient psychiatric hospitals. Unfortunately, these phenomena are known to be unnecessarily maintained by common and well-intentioned treatment practices. The New Outlook Program at SLPRC sought to remove and replace these practices and adopt ones that promoted client self-management in an effort to improve treatment and safety outcomes. The New Outlook Program sought to reduce episodes of assault, self-injury, and use of restraints and to minimize the role of punishing intervention strategies.


  • Identify strategies to decrease episodes of assaults and restraints
  • Review and identify strategies to increase self-management
  • Review and identify rationale for and strategies to reduce the role of arbitrary and punitive external controls


 Schneider Spring Institute Presentation-Final Slides in PDF format


Barnhart, Dawny, MD

Dawny Barnhart is a native of Iola, Kansas who traveled the world before hearing the call to go into medicine. She graduated from Virginia Tech’s Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine with a degree in Medicine. She is currently a post graduate year 4 in the psychiatry program at UMKC school of medicine. She has been married for 2 years to her wonderful husband, Jonathan. She plans to practice in SE Kansas at SEK Community Health upon graduating from her residency.


Advances in Schizophrenia & Glutamate Theory

Advances in Schizophrenia & Glutamate Theory


Derek Brown, MD

This presentation will provide a summary of research regarding the Glutamate theory of schizophrenia. It will also provide current research regarding the direction of treatment research.


  • Discuss the development of the glutamate theory of schizophrenia
  • Discuss recent research regarding the glutamate theory of schizophrenia
  • Discuss therapies that target the glutamate system.

Dawny Barnhart, MD

This presentation will provide an introduction to innovative treatment for schizophrenia using cognitive skills and therapy.


  • Provide introduction to CET
  • Provide background, need for and success of CET
  • Increase awareness to the CET that is being utilized at Truman CBM


Barnhart – Slides in PDF format
Brown Derek glutamatehypo4 – Slides in PDF format

Kerby, Scott, MA

Scott Kerby, MA, LPC has seven years’ experience working as a substance abuse and mental health counselor and supervisor, following twelve years of previous experience as a Student Minister working with at-risk youth and their families. Kerby is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and provides training, coaching, and supervision in a wide variety of settings. He is passionate about equipping professionals with evidence-based practices that will allow them to be more effective in helping others change. Kerby is married with two sons and does his best to not embarrass his wife while coaching little league.

Building a Culture of Motivational Interviewing

Building a Culture of Motivational Interviewing


Scott Kerby, MA, LPC

This workshop focuses on developing a workplace culture that aims to build Motivational Interviewing (MI) into the DNA of the organization. Too often, time and resources are wasted in training staff in MI in ways that produce very little lasting change in practice. This workshop aims to give a clear definition of MI as a measurable skill, provide strategies that are being successfully utilized by organizations to develop and maintain MI proficiency with their staff, and introduce participants to the wide variety of resources available to aid in the development of a lasting culture of MI.


  • Review a variety of therapeutic approaches to meet the behavioral health needs of their clients and their families
  • Provide a brief overview of Motivational Interviewing as an Evidence Based Practice
  • Review strategies used successfully by organizations that have developed a sustainable culture of Motivational Interviewing
  • Educate on the numerous free and cost effective resources available to support ongoing MI