Thompson-Gibson, Lisa, MA, MA, LCPC
“Ellis and Deitz (2018) discussed the addition of community and environmental factors to the familiar factors present as part of the adverse childhood experiences (ACES) framework. They put forth the idea that a greater range of social determinants of health (e.g., discrimination) contribute to developmental trauma, along with ACES, given their adverse nature. This presentation explores implications of these findings to consider updating the existing ACES questionnaire, with particular focus on additional social and community factors. Using findings from Ellis and Dietz (2018), and exploring applications of Polyvagal Theory (Dana, 2020; Porges, 2006), and the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (Perry & Dobson, 2013), session participants will develop strategies for trauma-informed interventions in the conceptualization and treatment of discrimination-based developmental trauma among adults.”
- Conceptualize discrimination as a broad community/environmental factor that can disrupt human development
- Examine the influencing role of discrimination in early childhood development (e.g., access to resources, help-seeking tendencies, development of self-regulatory processes, parenting practices)
- Explore interventions that are a by-product of conceptualizing the role of various forms of discrimination as a developmental stressor