The attitude, “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” is often humorous, but in today’s chaotic times it can exemplify a rigid and dysfunctional pattern that doesn’t serve us well. We need more diverse stories as guides or maps to reflect on, hold us and provide meaning and resilience. Yet most of our stories of heroes or superheroes treat them as conquering and claiming something that is brought under control. So where are the stories or maps for chaotic situations that can’t be conquered? Turns out there is another type of “heroism” called the trickster that is less hyper-masculine or forceful and more relational and receptive. Trickster characters are often vilified or at least misunderstood and underestimated, but they often do nothing less than transform or create new consciousness at many levels as they work with excesses of appetite or other emotions.
In this encore presentation from last year, new stories are included with a focus on deepening the nuances within each type of story at micro and macro levels. Most stories are hundreds of years old, demonstrating a universality and resilience to all times and places that can strengthen us today. The presenter will tell stories of heroes and tricksters from many cultures. He will compare heroes and tricksters to show how they complement each other in healing.
Discover how stories connect us more deeply to ourselves and the world
Experience how stories yield insights and creativity
Open up non-violent conflict resolutions through stories