David Strabala, MSW, LCSW, currently works full-time as Juvenile Office Counselor for Clay County, MO.  As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1994, he has worked in mental health centers, TBI day treatment, employee assistance, mobile crisis and with military/PTS. His primary specialty has been with troubled youth. For 20 years, he has discovered how the telling of meaningful stories can feed clients’ willingness to integrate shadow aspects of life, thus building strength and insight about how gifts are near our wounds. Most stories he offers are fairy tales of heroes or tricksters that reveal coded maps of the psyche’s paths toward wholeness. He plays an African djembe drum in groups to hold the story space. His interest in personal story prompted a six-year filmmaking project, resulting in an award-winning feature documentary, “What Is Synchronicity?” which he will give to session attendees who would like a DVD copy.


When heroic force fails: trickster stories show the way