Rick is a suicide attempt survivor; his primary job is with Community Counseling Center as the Integrated Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders (ITCD) program manager and suicide prevention coordinator. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and certified addictions counselor. He is a member of the American Association of Suicidology and serves on two committees. Rick is the team leader for Zero Suicide at his agency and faculty for National Zero Suicide Academy. He works as an adjunct professor for Central Methodist University, training future mental health professionals. He is involved in CIT in his region as a member of the council and provides training in suicide prevention. He is a member of the Missouri Suicide Prevention Network. Rick serves as a board member of United Suicide Survivors International and with the Eastern Missouri Chapter of AFSP. He works in any venue and opportunity to provide education and training in the area of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. He is responsible for organizing the largest suicide prevention conference in Missouri and keeping the conference free to the community. He is the co-founder of blog www.listeningsaveslives.net and is involved with www.nowmattersnow.org. Rick is a co-author of The i’Mpossible Project Reengaging with Life, Creating a New You, where he shares how his history of depression and suicide attempt has motivated him to educate others so that everyone is able to help someone who may be struggling. Rick works to combine his lived experience with his professional training to help provide support to anyone impacted by suicide while trying to help provide education to help reduce and prevent suicide.