Ms. Batson has been a trauma focused therapist at the Veteran’s Health Care System of the Ozarks and Springfield Vet Center, also part of the VA, for over nine years. Ms. Batson earned her MSW in 2001 from Missouri State University and has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over 15 years. She has worked in the private sector as well as in medical settings prior to coming to the VA. Ms. Batson is certified in several evidence-based therapies: Prolonged Exposure, PAIRS and Moral Reconation Therapy. Ms. Batson’s interests are of evolving and developing a new vision of PTS, of Post Traumatic Injury and Post Traumatic Growth, in context of effective, compassionate, and long-lasting treatment of trauma in Veterans and civilians. Other interests are effective use of self in the therapeutic process and how outcomes of therapy are reflective of the therapist-client relationship. Ms. Batson has two grown children and lives in Springfield, MO with her three dogs and three cats. An avid reader and amateur of Yoga, she works to better herself, her practice, and her community.


PTSD: Transforming into Post Traumatic Growth: A New Vision for Treatment in Our Veterans