
Ted Strader, MS

Christopher Kokoski, BS, CPS

Presentation: Learn how the evidence-based Creating Lasting Family Connections® (CLFC) Curriculum Series developers successfully conducted a statewide roll out as the focal point of the Children of Incarcerated Parents (COIP) project. The Series includes the Original CLFC Program for youth and adults, the CLFC Marriage Enhancement Program for re-entering couples and the CLFC Fatherhood Program: Family Reunification for men and their families. The overarching goal of COIP is to mobilize service systems throughout the state to build resiliency, develop resistance skills for substance use and address trauma in children of incarcerated parents and their families using the CLFC Curriculum Series. CLFC developers trained professional and passionate grass roots community members through the Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program (UMADAOP), a federation of 11 agencies across Ohio strategically poised to fulfill the ambitious goals of the project. Come learn how this can be done!


  1. Identify the key components of an effective statewide roll-out of an evidence-based program in a community reentry system
  2. Describe the essential elements of an effective statewide rollout of an evidence-based approach to serve reentry men, women and their children
  3. Apply insights on lessons learned from the state-wide scaling of evidence-based programs