Patty Davis is a program manager for Trauma Informed Care at Children’s Mercy, strategically moving its healthcare system toward a trauma informed organization through awareness building and institutional changes designed to incorporate the Trauma Informed Key Principles into all policies, practices and procedures. Patty has a long history of serving children and families through individual and family therapies, including evidence-based practices such as Family Based Treatment, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Parent Child Interactive Therapy. Patty is a co-founder and past-president of Missouri Association of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, with a mission to promote first relationships and advance effective infant mental health practice. Patty serves as an executive board member of Alive and Well Communities, a bi-state, community-wide effort focused on reducing the impact of toxic stress and trauma on health and wellbeing. Patty is an invited speaker at local, state and national conferences, speaking frequently on the signs of symptoms of traumatic stress, effective treatments to prevent and mitigate the effects of trauma, and on building trauma informed systems of care with cultural humility and equity building.


Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health: The Impacts of Trauma & Tools to Promote Resilience