Tara Brace has worked with children and families for 20 years while teaching preschool in a private daycare and Head Start environment. Brace worked in Senior Management with families who have children with disabilities. She then moved her career to Social Services where she was an investigator that investigated child abuse and neglect hotlines. She also worked case management with Social Services, which included working with families whose children were placed in foster care and helping those families locate services and reach goals so they could be reunited with their children. She has had several successful adoption and guardianships. She currently works for Kids Harbor in Osage Beach. She started there in July 2018 when her and her husband moved to the lake area from Sedalia. Brace is the community outreach coordinator working with schools, churches, daycares and any other organizations that work with children. She promotes the prevention program, which educates adults on how to recognize the signs of child sexual abuse. In January 2019, Brace also started a curriculum that works with children in the classroom on how to keep their bodies safe and when to tell a trusted adult when they do not feel safe.


Darkness to Light; Stewards of Children, Part I

Darkness to Light; Stewards of Children, Part II