Lindsey Quinn holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Ithaca College, and a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the School of Professional Psychology at Forest Institute. Ms. Quinn has worked for the past five years with the Gateway Foundation, where she is currently the Program Director of a 240 bed in-prison residential substance use and co-occurring disorder treatment program for women, and a 62 bed in-prison substance use disorder treatment program for male clients in a special needs in-prison residential therapeutic community. Ms. Quinn has been a Clinical Research Team Member at Ithaca College where she developed a poster titled “Sensation Seeking and Psychostimulant Drug Use” for the James Whalen Academic Symposium. Ms. Quinn has a particular passion for applying science and research to practice, hence her presentation focus, applying Texas Christian University’s Internal Evaluation Protocol to assessment, treatment planning, program development and counselor supervision at Gateway Foundation’s programs at Women’s Eastern Reception and Diagnostic and Northeast Correctional Centers.


Building Evidence Based Practices in Corrections Treatment Environments – Utilization of the Texas Christian University’s Internal Evaluation Protocol