Fred Rottnek is a Professor and the Director of Community Medicine at Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Medicine and Medical Director of the Physician Assistant Program. He is a graduate of the Saint Louis University School of Medicine and the Master of Arts in Health Care Mission Program at Aquinas Institute of Theology. On September 30, 2016, he completed a 15-year sentence in Correctional Health Care at the Saint Louis County Department of Public Health at the Buzz Westfall Justice Center and Saint Louis County Family Courts. He teaches in the School of Medicine, the PA Program, and the Interprofessional Education Program. Board-Certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, he is the Medical Director for the Assisted Recovery Centers of American (ARCA). He serves on the boards of the Saint Louis Regional Health Commission, St. Louis’ Criminal Justice Ministry, and Alive and Well Communities. He is currently working with colleagues in the SLU community and with national organizations to promote training, practice, and establishment of a SLU Fellowship in Addiction Medicine.