David is an independent mental health services consultant and trainer who specializes in the effective implementation of Evidence-Based Practices. David provides consultation and training regarding the implementation and sustainment of Evidence-Based Practices to a variety of States and mental health systems across the country. David has worked in critical national positions on numerous federal and state employment projects including the Recovery After Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) program for the National Institute of Mental Health (Supported Education and Employment); the National Implementing Evidence Based Practices Project for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Supported Employment); the Johnson & Johnson – Dartmouth Supported Employment Program; and the National Homeless Veteran’s Supported Employment Program (HVSEP) and the National implementation of Supported Employment services for the Veteran’s Administration. David serves as an Associate for Marc Gold & Associates regarding the development of a National Integrated Employment Program for adults with significant disabilities.
Overview of Supported Employment and Education Principles & ACT/TAY Services Integration in Missouri
Implementing the Principles of Supported Employment
Supported Employment Stages of Change and Motivational Strategies
Developing an Agency Culture for Employment