Robert Riley II, MAADC II, serves as an Addiction Counselor for the Clayton Behavioral Addiction Medicine Center and leads the CB Addiction Education and Community Outreach program. Robert leads addiction recovery groups and provides one-on-one addiction counseling for clients at Clayton Behavioral. He develops structure and strategy for Addiction Education outreach programs in schools and communities, which range from simple presentations to half-day and full-day programs. Robert is the Co-founder of the Missouri Network for Opiate Reform and Recovery and the Missouri SAFE Project (Syringe Access for Everyone) and since 2012 has been instrumental in advocating for change in state and national public policy to address the opiate epidemic. Robert has been recognized as a “recovery activist” and honored by multiple organizations for his educational and advocacy efforts in the treatment of addiction. He was instrumental in advocacy that supported the successful 2014 passage of HB 2040 in Missouri, allowing all first responders to administer Narcan® to overdose victims. He also successfully advocated for passage of HB 1568 that allowed 3rd party access to naloxone at all pharmacies in the State of Missouri. In 2016 he partnered with civic leaders and successfully passed local ordinances in St. Louis City and County that established a prescription data monitoring program. His organization was instrumental in getting a local ordinance in Saint Louis City for the 911 Good Samaritan that provided limited immunity for someone reporting a medical emergency of a drug related overdose. He received the Next Step scholarship for individuals active in recovery, was nominated for the 2015 Vernon Johnson Award—Faces and Voices of Recovery Organization and he received the 2015 EXMAD Award from Manasseh Ministry honoring former offenders making a difference in their communities.


Beyond Awareness: Changing systems to reverse the overdose epidemic