
Rachel Taube, MSW and Brenden Christensen, MSW

Presentation: Stigma is real and impacts lives– whether it prevents someone from reaching out to provide to support to someone in a mental health crisis, or prevents someone from seeking the treatment they deserve. Stigma is reflected in how many people talk about mental health problems. Statements like “That’s crazy” or “She’s so OCD” can stigmatize and minimize mental health problems. Join us to learn more about stigma and understand the research on this topic. You will take away practical strategies to combat stigma and raise awareness of mental health problem, including some of the strategies used in Mental Health First Aid. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a person with lived experience, a community member or all of the above– join us to reflect on your own use of language and join the movement to end stigma.


  • Describe the structure and research surrounding of stigma.
  • Reflect on their own use of language that might be stigmatizing.
  • Discuss practical strategies and knowledge about programs to combat stigma.

Slides and Handouts:

Taube- Watch your language