
Robert Cox, MA, PLPC

Presentation: Trauma underlies every addiction. The research is increasingly bearing out this fact. In addition, PTSD and anxiety disorders are nearly always underpinned by trauma. Mindfulness is a technique that can be used to rewire those trauma responses. By learning to sit with emotions and observe them, recognizing where they come from and their purpose by slowing and releasing the limbic region, we can retrain the brains automatic response to those trauma events. This presentation will cover the latest in neuroscience and the effects of mindfulness on the treatment of these issues.


  • Identify the ways that trauma relates to addictions, PTSD and other anxiety disorders and mental illnesses.
  • Identify and discuss the process of trauma, memory storage and recall involved in the brain.
  • Discuss the ways that mindfulness can begin to heal the mind in conjunction with other therapies.
  • Use several Mindfulness exercises in assisting individuals with trauma, PTSD and comorbid disorders in gaining emotional regulation and building resistance to triggers and relapse.


Cox_Robert_MIndfulness Treatment for Addiction and Trauma