
Sharon Robbins, PhD and Lee Ann McVay, PsyD

Presentation: Treating people with intellectual disabilities and sex offending behavior is a challenge. This presentation will include a variety of issues in treatment. Terminology in intellectual disabilities is at times different than terminology used when working with sex offenders. Offense characteristics are different in people with intellectual disabilities and sex offending behavior. Specific diagnoses related to sex offenders may present differently in sex offenders with intellectual disabilities. Assessment based treatment is important in addressing the sex offending behavior. Consideration of risk is more complicated and individualized. Comprehensive treatment planning on an individualized basis is important for successful treatment.


  • Identify terminology issues associated with people with intellectual disabilities and sex offending behavior.
  • Explain how functional behavior analysis can be applied to sex offending behaviors.
  • Recognize treatment needs for people with intellectual disabilities and sex offending behaviors.


Robbins_Treating People with Intellectual Disabilities and Sex Offending