Craig McAndrew, MA, LPC, LCAC is a Counselor in Private Practice in the Kansas City area. He works as a therapist specializing in addictions, stress, anxiety and depression as well as PTSD and other disorders. Craig works with his clients to obtain balance in their lives physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially. His approach helps clients to empower themselves. Craig is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Clinical Addictions counselor. He recently became a certified power coach in the 8 to Great process for powerful change. Craig has written two books in a trilogy and has the third book in the works. The title of the first book “Forgiving Judas – A Man’s Journey to Forgive His Brother” is available from Family Affair Publishing as well as through Amazon. The second book, “Forgiving Our Fathers, Forgiving Ourselves” is only available through Family Affair Publishing at this time. He also developed and produced a meditation CD with guided meditations of Forgiveness and Progressive relaxation.