The Office of Disaster Services (ODS) coordinates behavioral health response for Missourians in disaster situations. To strengthen the Department’s capacity to respond, the Office of Disaster Services coordinates efforts with numerous state agencies including, Homeland Security, State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), numerous non-governmental and faith-based organizations active in disaster response. When a federal disaster is declared in Missouri, the Office of Disaster Services applies for and administers the FEMA Crisis Counseling Program grant award.
ODS offers disaster preparedness training, Psychological First Aid and Mental Health First Aid training to health care providers, school personnel, community-based volunteer organizations, emergency responders, law enforcement personnel, mental health consumers, and the faith-based community. The ODS also provides informational fact sheets about common reactions to disaster, coping strategies and the emotional impact of disasters for various demographic groups and populations. The Office of Disaster Services is involved in ongoing statewide planning initiatives such as mental health emergency planning, planning for the needs of children, and continuity of operations planning for state agencies, businesses and faith-based organizations.