Room Leeward 74-75



While the philosophy of harm reduction is generally welcomed and supported by industry professionals and the population alike, implementing harm reduction interventions is complex and often misunderstood. What does it look like – in practice – to approach a client from a harm reduction framework? Do we, as clinicians, approve or enable substance use and process addiction behaviors as we work from a place of compassion and curiosity?
Join us as we work together to understand and welcome our own professional and personal biases as they pertain to harm reduction. Let’s work together to provide a place for respect, dignity, and autonomy for those who are struggling with acute or chronic substance use disorder, eating disorders, and/or complex mental health challenges.


    • Describe what harm reduction means and how it is applied in counseling practice
    • Identify systemic and micro barriers to providing compassionate and client-centered treatment
    • Practice real-time harm reduction interventions within the presentation
    • Connect with other professionals to learn how to utilize the harm reduction philosophy in our respective workplaces