Tim Rudder, MSW, received his Bachelors of Social Work from Saint Louis University and Masters in Social Work from the University of MO-Columbia. Mr. Rudder holds a CADC and MARS credential from the Missouri Credentialing Board.  Mr. Rudder began work with the DMH in 2008 as the Treatment Specialist for Missouri’s Access to Recovery (ATR) federal SAMHSA grant, prior to that working as a CADC at a treatment facility for adolescents with substance use disorders. Currently, he is the Manager of the DBH Billing and Services Review team, the Project Director for Missouri’s Medication Assisted Treatment – Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA) federal SAMHSA grant, and the Treatment Manager for Missouri’s State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis grant. Mr. Rudder also serves on the MO-HOPE (Missouri Opioid/Heroin Overdose Prevention and Education) Advisory Council.


Humans of Behavioral Health: Real People – Real Ethics