Chun-Zi Peng got her PhD in clinical psychology from Xiang-Ya medical School (one of the top medical schools) in China. She worked at MIMH in mental health data analysis and research after she finished her postdoc training at Washington University in St Louis, department of psychiatry, and published in highly respected academic journals, and presented findings in international conferences. Growing up in China, she has been practicing QiGong and TaiChi since she was a teenager, and followed her parents to attend various meditation workshops. When pursuing her psychology degrees, she was trained in group therapy, meditation techniques, and conducted cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy programs for college students. She has been practicing Yoga for more than 10 years, and is a regular meditator on the meditation teacher training track in mind-body medicine through University of Massachusetts. She actively attended meditation retreats, and taught classes, and facilitated community meditation groups. As a researcher and meditator with clinical training background, she has unique personal experience and academic perspective on meditation.
Mindfulness Meditation: An Easy and Effective Self-Care Skill – This presentation will be given twice in the Self-Care Room (Parasol I); on Thursday from 2:00pm – 3:00pm and Friday from 10:30am – 11:30am; seating is limited to 25 seats per presentation.