Dr. Carl C. Bell, M.D. is Staff Psychiatrist at Jackson Park Hospital’s Outpatient Family Practice Clinic and Inpatient Consultation Liaison Service. He is a Retired Clinical Professor of Psychiatry & Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. During 45 years, he has published more than 500 articles, chapters, & books on mental health and authored The Sanity of Survival. He is co-editor of Pequegnat W and Bell CC (eds). Family and HIV/AIDS: Cultural and Contextual Issues in Prevention and Treatment and Jeste D and Bell CC (eds). Psychiatric Clinics of North America – Prevention in Psychiatry.


Risk Factors are Not Predictive Factors due to Protective Factors

Prevalence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders associated with Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol (ND-PAE)